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We Crave the Beauty of :: Compassion-- when the Heart expands and opens up INside itself to bursting

You belong right where you are-- deep in the middle of all this... breathe in and know that this *Whole thing, this Organism of Life is You and would be missing something if it were not for your participation here + now >>>

we are here together and then we die.  in between this is the opportunity to Commune with the Beauty of what is...  take my hand come fly away with me!

Compassion. reaching out to you from Soul.

here i ramble out and away and then back again in words on the phenomenon of which is merely one of a multitude of Saving Graces the Universe bestows us with. allowing us to glimpse it, experience it, and for the energy of it to open our hearts and Souls

in this light of passion with a focus on what is shared between us, we are raised to new heights and are able to transform the lowest of our depths with something as small as easy to miss and ignore as the energy / act / existence of compassion

bridges are formed between jagged shards of one human to another

of one human to another being of one human to Life >> of Life to our narrow expressions of awareness of Life to the expression of Life Itself through and in and craddling rather lovingly,

all of that which we know / experience / are...

a sickly lukewarm definition of it chock full of anemic christian delusions / moral plea

is the sad normal -

"sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others"

also related to: " empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love,

tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity"

wecravebeauty : in this light of passion with a focus on what is shared between us

and since we all live here as one big organism, living breathing all the anger fear cries pain and loneliness of one another than the "sufferings of others" is not only left to those others.

we all suffer. it's a world of pain writhing in pain >> look around you!

i go through it with you beside across the world from you and in my own living of life, as well.

no one is immune to all this... no islands and no hearts made of rock--no matter how much you wish it to be true just because you do not feel strong enough to "suffer"

or do not feel it is fair that you should go through the pains of Life, much like birthing pains...

(and what are we birthing other than Soul awareness Being and...)

as for me, compassion is--

a value that i hold as a loving vibratory space for myself and others to enter into-- a place where Soul and Spirit are acknowledged, held, longed for, expected, focused on, and made ready for

>> it's me as i listen to another with patience oneness, setting aside judging mean narrow mind

not using words to violently subjugate a being. heart hears and feels into the space where we two are one. the space we share deep within that is Soul's House, resting abode, and shelter in this weary world

>>in speaking you share a teeny bit of your own personal ego-strife, of the struggles and nightmares of your being shared you allow the entrance of another into your experience

and there is a refraction / reflection, i hear another's tale, another piece told of the whole

___insight can follow

>>i feel a space of understanding for your particular circumstances situations characters perspectives and how it all varies-- for in this lies our unique-ness, yet the sensations and movements of emotion in my own heart are the very same movements of your own heart

the familiar human relationships and bewildering encounters are too similar to be thought of being different. if there is difference it is merely that of degree. for in your own dark hours of pain or lighter days of joy and innocence, i am and have been there too, to some degree. this school of life allows us full reign of powerful inner (dis)ruptions of vibrations and blind forces to act upon our mechanisms. we feel and we follow the flow and pattern of these (e)motions as they rock and roll us from and into higher deeper fuller depths of awareness and cognitive beingness

we feel and we follow the flow and pattern of these (e)motions as they rock and roll us from and into higher deeper fuller depths of awareness and cognitive beingness

if i can realize the gift-blessing of your sharing

the space of human being with me (despite the narrow superficial mind and its way of finding and making what is different of greater than the reality of The Whole) then it is only fitting that you too can and may as well join in with me on this compassion thing. find the spot Inside your knowing-- (experience beyond the hey you! kind person lend me your sympathetic ear as i moan cry relive my lifetime of hurts travails the wrongs done me) all the situations you have yet to digest / discern value from / sort out / bless / then toss away to the four winds of the earth. you can have compassion for those you normally inundate with your fear anger anxiety doubt. you can decide not to pass on / dump the madness and poison. this is the utmost compassion care for the inner space within yourself and that of another-- the part that longs to be free and done with obsessing over and giving huge place to the dark night of soul-suffering

a smile that emanates from the bowels of your Belly

that causes you to pause before letting loose the same old mess. with humor you can transform those magnified shadows into the fuel that allows you to burn your candle deftly Bright.

>>from here comes the Essence of my own com-passions. having found my own methods of transformation transmuting the ross, using it as en-strengthening force for doing creating forming reflecting maintaining Beauty Love Joy Ease Humor. a passion raised to heights that llow me to cross bridges of what before appeared to be separation psychological walls emotional blocks and psyche perspectives, those narrow and confining pathos of crippling thought

>>having crossed the bridge of habitual human into Bonafied Being... i *live liberated and free--

but before that i had the same questions, my mind like all other minds contained the same deafening thoughts. concepts, mind-stuffs they are all the same. nothing new there, nothing extraordinary... the same rambling fear crazed inducing effect. looking back though across that bridge one can "see"

i have distance enough and Soul-space from the noise to truly "get" that all questioning / questions are pointless and without end. as all theory is lie as to clouds or a foggy vapor that clings to the dampness of the air... a desire / obsession the need for a higher mind to answer, to bring relief authority sane voice of "reason"

and again compassion is the thing here-- i was there too and reaching around with my eyes ever on the other shore i await You calmly and yet with eager joy-- dreaming of the fun we will share when we have joined together again. whole and ready to Live Life fully and with a zest that rings out in all directions!

there's lots of talk going on now about how everyone in the world is suffering...

but so-called "protests" marches activism laws governments groups for social change--

all the anger and fear that is expressed does not in anyway form or lead a heart to compassion.

...and then what to do?

wecravebeauty compassion is Beauty

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