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We Crave the Beauty of :: the Joyous circumstance that leads to Woman creating outer visual Image of

what woman really truly *dresses herself?

--and actually realizes / enjoys the sensation and marvel of such and act?

marvelous in that it is like an eruption that rises from deep within You

what woman really invests her heart-Soul time / vision into that which

she uses to swathe her glorious body? the Image that she sends out as

strong reflection of her self-Vision moment by moment echoing out to her own

awareness / Self and to that of others and to the very world itself

long desensitized to the gift of Grandeur that awaits her in this Act

and so-- perhaps after decades of Fashion oppression and dictates

the ensuing withdrawal / confusion / boredom / hopelessness

she is now left uninspired, spent. restlessly comfortable in her boredom and ambivalence

not realizing that she is turning down the possibility of making a beautiful act of Intent

of Show of Love of Artfulness in Vision

into something utilitarian, slavish, without use, depressing, and dead...

it wasn't really before nearing my 30s that i finally unavoidably apologetically

uncovered / discovered / recovered the solid roots that stimulated me profoundly

into the act of envisioning / creating / building / strengthening

my very own ease of *Style and of personal individual expression

signified through a finely defined dress sense + solid, consistent daily presentation

by many women i have been told that this style this presentation that i have chosen

as they see it feels to them to be a blend that rightly expresses my personality

something in harmony with the image of me that they perceive (inner being / energy)


it must be again pressing on many minds of women now as recently various articles of great interest have been popping up on just this very important and fatal topic:


my own visual presentation Awakening

came about during one of my mexican sojourns during the years of 2011 to 2014

prior to the prying open of this next chapter

of life-- (i stopped by southern california to visit

with family before heading off again for those wonderful wild unknowns)

i happened to make a few visits to the local goodwill

(i can always manage the curious rummage through the aisles of a thrift store)

and happily one of my rummages found me unearthing a lovely gem

in the form of a mid-ankle length rayon blend pleated woven skirt, so 1980s!

with the necessary deep in-seam pockets and all in the Bestest shade of a dark pea green

quickly it became a travel wardrobe staple of mine in those days and in that part of the world

a perfect blend with my loose, slinky AE tops and a great match with the other solid color blouses

i owned. it washed well and i wore it for many years during this transitory phase of life

my sandals then were dark brown leather gladiators from an artisan etsy shop in greece

accentuated at times with a moroccan leather backpack purse, a narrow leather belt

and a black and white batik fish print fringe scarf,

this look called heavily on the loveliness of the traditional feminine

springing forth from a time reminiscent of those heady bible days or that of ancient Greece

i was in love!

for me it was decidedly different and the flow of it (expressed by the folds materials colors

shapes layers ease) forever changed my thinking feeling responding--

the way of my being and how i managed to express myself

i was brought (surfing on a dreamy wave-like)

full circle to a way of Style that was wholly *Me that was fully my own >> finally!

though i had no clue that such a thing was missing from my life up to then

my body now free to move as she wanted as she felt fit was Ecstatic

natural "yogic" positions flowed out from me as i sat now with legs provocatively up

and bent as i would relax propped on a couch or chair

or at athletic stretching angles wherever i may have plopped myself down

(in the grass, under the tree in the forest, enveloped by the sand on a beach

or amidst the flowers in a garden)

now feeling less restricted and having no major impression of a certain article of clothing

reigning in the energy / the physical expression of my body... inner Grace flowed out of me

it felt as though more awareness and presence, more calm loving ripples

were traversing my conscious allowing me to realize and come to the bits

inside of myself that i could utilize in creating inventing growing my Soul

with no prying ridiculing criticizing eyes no one even knowing or seeing

(what was not their business)

for the overlarge and full skirts hide all!

this new and refreshing feeling of liberation led to all the crazy mad unexpected

beautiful experiences and situations i mixed my Soul into during those days

with all that inner ease flowing and newly at my command and my being / experience in life

Softened up immensely allowing me to enjoy and encounter All free from

most worries anxieties past pains and misconceptions / perceptions

i unknowingly had a fully existential blast with all my senses on fire hot and bothered

alive stimulated and Blossoming away

i know all this naturally lead to the years of creative provocations that i am still unraveling and

digging deep down into the strange phenomenon that i passed through


we crave beauty metal art adornment primitive modern sacred geometry bold artful curator museum art

we crave beauty gemstone art sex therapy exotic tribal adornment


how do you feel about your *look?

your sense of style has it had the chance

to flourish in your life as of yet?

or has its manifestation been stunted by

harsh outer realities, mindless critics

or disheartening inner perplexities?

does the thought of it all make you feel--

ambivalent confused defensive bored anxious fatigued angry

...perhaps i might help you there!

sign up to my newsletter here and receive a guide of prompts

that may get you a bit more enthused and creative in regards to

the reality of your closet and the way in which you literally "see" yourself in life

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